Sunday, March 22, 2009

Huevos Rancheros

Fresh eggs, six
Green onion, 2 chopped all the way including the green parts
Fresh tomato, 1 peeled and chopped if in season, 2 from a can if good fresh tomatoes are not available
One canned jalapeño pepper, sliced*
Olive oil, 2 Tbsp
Oregano, a sprinkling of fresh if available, dry if not
Salt, one shake from a salt shaker for every egg used
Cilantro leaves, fresh and chopped, a couple of Tbsp

Heat oil in a large cast iron frying pan on medium high heat.
Add the onions and brown for a minute or two.
Add the chopped tomato and let cook for a few minutes on medium high heat until the tomatoes are somewhat cooked and mushy and some of the moisture has evaporated. Its okay if the tomatoes brown a bit.
Add the oregano.
Add the jalapeño pepper.
Crack eggs directly into the pan with the cooking sauce.
Add salt.
Stir with a spatula to mix in the sauce and to lightly scramble the eggs. Remove from heat when the eggs cook to the desired consistency.
If you are using a cast iron pan, remove the eggs from the pan and put into a serving bowl. Otherwise the eggs will continue to cook in the heat of the pan.
Sprinkle with cilantro.

Serve with bread or heated tortillas. Serves 2 or 3.

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